
on the boards

"The City of Newport Beach has been most fortunate to work with Robert Coffee Architects + Associates in the development and completion of the OASIS Senior Center. The entire RCA Project Team provided an exceptional work product from beginning to end which resulted in a world class facility designed uniquely to meet the needs of our community, its user groups and future customers. The time RCA invested with our stakeholders during the planning process and throughout the project laid the foundation for the instant and overwhelming success we are experiencing as the community reconnects with the OASIS. Many thanks to RCA for their professionalism and vision which has provided Newport Beach with a campus that is contemporary, functional and inviting, allowing us to meet the ever growing needs our senior population."

Laura Detweiler

Director Recreation and Senior Services Department

City of Newport Beach, CA

Newport Beach Library Lecture Hall

anthony munoz community center

balboa fine arts

newport beach junior lifeguard center

poway senior and community center